Holiday Shot

We moved to the hotel in town in the late morning and had lunch there.  However, it being low season, they do not serve dinner, so we went to the same restaurant we ate at two nights ago.  A waiter took this.

Before lunch, and right after checking in, I checked my email, and, yes, there was one long one from the Viking, with a more complete affidavit containing some more questions I had to answer.  These weren't simply fill-in-the-blanks type of questions but needed whole paragraphs.  I also corrected some minor errors and added even more paragraphs containing facts I wanted him to include.  Wondering if he'll include them but I trust his judgement.

After the very late and rather full Christmas lunch, we simply returned to the room to ... not do much at all!  AW watched TV and I gamed, keeping an eye on the mail in case more questions came.

The weight of the whole year is slowly being felt but I do enjoy the feeling of wrapping up odds and ends, that we can have closure with some things.  I think that that feeling is the best.  As for being with loved ones ... AW and I are finally together again on a trip!  We are certainly very happy about that!

I hope you all had a HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

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