
By jbenton365

Time to come clean Lance.

Lance Armstrong is the worst kind of cheat.

He cheated his way to victory 7 times and along the way bullied and bruised people to join in with his lies or to turn a blind eye.

The biggest deceit in my eyes is the fact that he stands at the front of his Livestrong organisation purporting to be a surviver. Purporting that through mental and physical determination you can achieve great things after surviving cancer.

He is, of course, a surviver and you can, of course, achieve great things after beating this terrible disease. I know through personal experience that a positive attitude can go a long way to aid recovery.

BUT. He has not achieved great things through mental or physical determination - he achieved them by cheating. He achieved the adulation of thousands by cheating. He achieved a huge bank balance by cheating.

He's a cheat and a bully.

He should remove himself from Livestrong and any association with it. He should be made to return every single penny of prize money he won through cheating, return every single penny of sponsorship money he made through cheating and it should go to a worthy charity.

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