Old City, Rhodes, Greece

A slow day.

AW had more energy today, but, goodness, that's allowed, I think.

After a late breakfast, went back to bed, but it was not to be with AW watching television, so I got up and dressed, asked if he wanted to come along, and off we went.  Forgot my memory card, walked back (we weren't far yet) to fetch it, then out again, and back to the old city which we hadn't completely explored last time.  Somewhere in the middle of our explorations, we stopped for what turned out to be a heavy snack, then on again.  This was shot on our way out of the old city, but there is still much to see inside, so it looks like we'll return another day.

A beautifully sunny day!  Had to make an effort to be in the mood, though.  An Ibuprofen or two should help me sleep tonight.

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