
By Cumbrialass

Boxing day

A other wet day.. but mild and eased off to give Fletch a walk in the dry. So grey it didnt seem worth getting the car out to go farther but I do hope it's better tomorrow.. I need a bit of sun for my birthday and a more interesting place to walk. 

Had a bit of a play with my camera for the EFPS 30 day challenge ( see above) . 

Put on the Kylie concert recorded last night and had a good sing and  bop around the room. You cant  beat a good sing and bop to lift the spirits.

Ms choice for dvd tonight is Sky fall , after watching Quantam of Solace the other night and Casino  Royal a few night before . 
Seen it enough times not to have to concentrate on it too hard while I have the laptop on my knee. 

I hope everyone has had a relaxing day xx

Ps the glass contained water for my photo but  now contains red :)

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