
By EdwardHealey

A partridge...

...not in a pear tree.

Although, I must confess you're going to have to squint to see it in this photo. It is sat on the fence to the right of the gate.

A walk out this morning at Prior's Coppice, a Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve. This view is from the edge of the coppice where you can often see buzzards, and I did again today. There was one being hounded by a crow, which made for quite the display but sadly I didn't have time to put the teleconverter on the the long lens to get a reasonable photo (it was all happening too far away even if I used APS-C mode). Instead I settled on this long lens landscape picture which I've left unadulterated as it gives a good impression of the misty muted tones day its been. 

Lovely walk in the woods though and there's an extra of some trees, again with the long lens. I quite like long lens landscapes when I can be bothered to lug it around. I must make more effort as there's no point having it if it spends its life languishing in the cupboard.

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