Motion Blur

A partial return to normalcy today, it being Friday, our day for minding the Berber Shop. Several people popped in to view the wares, so we did have someone to talk to. Basil lay on his blanket shivering despite wearing his warm Father Christmas fleece. Sometimes I wonder if he does it to get attention. He perked up immediately we returned home.

A kids' roundabout was just outside the shop. I opted for a slow shutter speed to capture motion blur. No vintage market today.

We began the morning by taking William out in his pushchair, walking to the nearby Tesco Express to buy bread buns for bacon butties. I think it helped Will's mood a bit as he played really nicely once we got back. Basil appreciated it too.

The bacon butties were excellent - mine with gluten free brioche bun. Then we had to leave for Loughborough.

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