He’s behind you!

Oh no he isn’t!

4:30 again for one
7:30 for the other!

Lots of Lego this am interspersed with mario kart!

Managed to get the kitchen looking tidier
Had planned on the lounge but this hasn’t happened!

Early lunch then we headed to the panto

We managed to park outside the theatre - unheard of - bit of a gamble as it is two hours limited. But worth the gamble

The children seemed to enjoy the panto- although the first half did seem very long.
The second half had the audience song, the silly year scene, the ghost scene- you name it, it was there!

Quick journey to Waitrose for port and eggs - as you do!


Daddy’s gone to the pub via the petrol station, we’ve done bath and now we are watching inside the factory!

Adventure day tomorrow!

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