Back again!

Took Mr J to the Glenfarg railway tunnels.

Managed to lose Ozzy in the tunnel! How the hell do you lose a dog in a tunnel!?!

He's normally very good at keeping us in sight and we generally don't have to worry about him in the slightest.
But we shouted and whistled and no dog came! The tunnels are about 500m long, pitch black and you can't see one end from the other.

We had to split up, two of us headed to one end and two to the other end.

Ruaraidh and I finally got out the far end and there he is bounding down from the high embankment!

God knows what he was up to up there!

We then had to hurry through the tunnel to let Mr J and Jamie know cos there was no way of contacting them and I knew they would be worried!

We managed to get a signal when we got to the other end and got the happy message to them!

Happy ending!

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