Everyday Dave's Dogs, Maidstone

Today started with another run - me and my brother have been doing one every day since Boxing Day. I now don't feel quite right unless my day starts with one. I can feel in a fug, lethargic, anxious or stressed but as soon as I'm into a run I always feel better. I'll miss it when I return to work.
Since Christmas Day it has been the ultimate as regards greyness. Not a single shaft of sunshine since then, until today. The lifting of the clouds also resulted in a lifting of the spirits, it was so good to see blue sky and feel the sun on my face, even if it was a wee bit on the cold side.
Did a very quick bit of food shopping (pastry for the inevitable turkey and vegetable pie, papers to slowly read with a nice glass of wine) and then into town for a brief look at the sales (all a bit half-heated and boring - so decided to leave the money in my wallet well alone).
Today's shot is of one of the food kiosks in town which wasn't doing very much business. The poor girl behind the counter looked morose and bored stiff. I imagine a foot long hot dog, after the over consumption at Christmas, wasn't particularly appealing!

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