Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

On his way home

He certainly deserves to be, this Santa has been driving his sleigh since at least 1954, but I rather think my parents got him for their first tree in 1951, I've had him since 1985. He's made of plastic and has something inside which rattles rather than jingles when you shake him, but he is definitely jolly!
Today is Eilidh's 6th birthday, what a happy wee girl she is. She's a very competent cyclist and has cycled the mile to school most days for the last 18 months since she first started P1. Today she was deemed to have outgrown her first bike and now has a much bigger beauty complete with 7 gears.... That's more than I ever managed even as an adult. One wee wobble then off she went, confident and happy. Lucky girl.
We took Joyce to the station today to go home to Leeds. Her train had been cancelled at the last minute but luckily she got booked onto one just before which was an East Coast mainline to York rather than the Transpennine she'd originally been booked on so was much more comfortable. Her connection at York was also cancelled, but she's home again now. Perhaps with a partial refund to make up for the inconvenience.
We've had a quiet evening at home watching the penultimate Dark Materials, we'll be sad when the last episode is done, but hopefully filming of other books in the series are in progress.
Still coughing, so no church today. I'm looking forward to tasting my food again, it's been a long time.

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