The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Meeting my friends!

This afternoon was super fun! I hung out with Frank and Jacqui first, then went to meet my new bestie ella and her brother marcus, ella had been a big brave girl and just had her jags but was somehow still in a good mood so I think we will have loads of fun as we grow up, she can show me how it's done!

And then, talking of showing how it's done I met danny and leo, they came to visit my house when I was still growing on the inside and they sounded fun then and were loads of fun tonight! Since they are a but bigger they really helped look after me tonight, gave gentle cuddles, helped change my nappy and put me into my pjs, it's nice to have lots of protectors!

Ps mummy knows she is cheating with a collage but is surprised it's taken so long this holiday really... there are loads of other photos she wishes she could use too!

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