Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

It's on Again

Today we awoke to a clear blue sky and almost haze free conditions. They had the reassuring quality of normality about them. As the day wore on however, the wind came up and we all began to wonder if the warnings from earlier in the week would come to fruition. Spoiler alert. They did.

All round the state, nearly dormant and contained fire fields sprang to life with fresh ferocity. Here in Blackheath, we heard "the sirens". Then one of the big jet water bombers rumbled overhead and I knew something was up. Turns out it was a fire at the end of Evans Lookout Road (see road block above) and a major local eco resort was reported to be under threat. (see first extra)

The good news is that another of our Blackheath Photo Group members has become a brand new blipper called Pelorus Jack. Jack lives in a street much closer to the action than me and was able to shoot the bomber in action from his bedroom window. With his kind permission I have posted that image as extra two.  Go and check out Jack's journal. he is a great bloke and a top photographer.

Currently the wind is blowing the fire away from us and it seems that the blaze is close to being under control. We'll be going to a party to bring in 2020. We are heartily sick of being too wary to leave the house. 

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