Monday 30th December 2019
A full day of catching up/sorting out, although it ended up being mainly a day of cooking. Freezers sorted, fridge cleared, freezer restocked with 18 meals ready for the month ahead and 18 freshly baked bread rolls.
I started the day checking on my concrete craft creations. So, when the video says leave for 24hrs it means LEAVE for at least 24 HRS!. I couldn't wait and managed to break them! So I started again and did some more. I have now banned myself from the garage for the rest of this week and we'll see what I'm left with on Friday.
Although it was a days holiday I did have a staff meeting in the evening so had to do a bit of prep for that late afternoon. That meant that the kitchen finished the day looking a lot worse than when it started. That's tomorrow's task.
In amongst all that I decided to take a quick EB of MiniMe so you can see the detail more clearly.
Oh, and I did manage to almost finish my new photo book!
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