First Sunrise 2020!

Happy, Happy New Year to you all!

Here in Rhodes, there were practically no fireworks ... haha!  Yea, sporadic bursts of three or four pieces that lasted about two minutes in total, and that was it!  So that's another thing we learned about the place -- no one collects fireworks here for anything.  We think they are too expensive to import.  Did we miss it?  Uhm, not really, no, as we were both too sleepy, having had to wait all that time for midnight.

Update later!  Have a good day!


After breakfast, a very lazy stroll to ... the Old City.  Every 10 to 15 minutes, we sat down.  I left my camera in the hotel room because I thought I wouldn't need it any more.  Biggest mistake of the day!  Had to borrow AW's phone, but later, it turned out that the pictures were a lot smaller than 'usual'.  Oh well, learning curve there.

There's a lot of bad news in the world these days, of various kinds.  We should worry, but, more than ever, I believe in keeping our own house in order as best we can.  That said, let that not be an excuse to be less compassionate towards everyone.  A tall order, much easier said than done, and perfection doesn't exist.  In the end, 2020 will be what I make it for myself.  All those MOOCs on cardiovascular disease and mental health should result in some concrete lifestyle modifications.  As well, all those business MOOCs should lead to some sound decision-making, something I will need in the very near future.

I wish everyone, again, a very, very good year!  May it exceed expectations!  May it bring you joy and satisfaction.  We can only do so much.  Let it be enough.

THANK YOU for visiting, commenting, dropping by and leaving a token, and, otherwise, also, for being quiet.  I'm happy I'm still here with BLIP.

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