
It was a long but fabulous day! We began it with Uncle Simon and co. We had a lovely play with Rupert in the morning while we all watched Lilo & Stitch. Ru went for his nap and the rest of us went a walk round the woods. We visited the uncles and their chickens. We followed deer tracks. And when we returned, we had a midmorning snack of magnums. 

We packed the gorgeous gifts, including a bonus one for Katie that thoroughly delighted her. Our next destination was supposedly about 1hr 15 minutes away but took 2 hours. However at the end of it, plus a small shuttle bus ride, we were at Waddesdon Manor and with our lovely friends. Katie ran quite a distance to hurl her arms around her wonderful Moll. It wasn't long enough but we had a happy couple of hours. There was a late lunch. There was time in a light installation to the Carol of Bells performed by Lindsey Stirling, which our little musicians loved. There was wandering round the light trail with much button pressing. There were lots and lots of silly faces at the camera. Happy peeps. 

We were a little later than intended setting off and this was added to by the fact the sat nav gave us some ill advised directions, plus a spot of traffic. It all meant that the journey home took significantly longer than intended. However, we still made it in time to drop Katie at B's, me drop the car at home and have our Christmas visit there. 

Such a great day of Christmas adventures! 

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