Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

A Healthy Lunch

I am a member of a group on Facebook which has a weekly challenge and this week I needed to find 'Something Healthy'. The only thing so far that I have managed to come up with is an apple, as in 'An apple a day keeping the doctor away' but I couldn't think of a way to make an apple look interesting. However we went to Thirsk today to do a bit of research as one of Guy's old friends from the USA is visiting Yorkshire and staying with onother mutual friend. We were asked if we would like to join them for lunch later this month and to suggest somewhere to go as we are the ones with the difficult dietary requirements. We both have to be milk free.  We found the Black Lion Bar & Bistro on line and the menu looked good ie, vegan options meaning they can easily cope with requests for a milk free meal. I chose this risotto with a poached duck egg on the top and, as I was driving, sparkling water rather than wine. Guy had duck breast so he was happy too. Research completed and table booked for when we meet our friends. Another job to cross off the list.

Talking of crossing off jobs, I also updated the copyright dates on my own website and another one which I administer which is a job which needs to be done every new year.

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