Blue Tit...

… In the mahonia. The yellow flowers make it seem like a bright day, whereas it was still really cold and grey. There were loads of little birds flitting about today, more it seemed than yesterday. I saw great tits, long-tailed tits and goldfinch as well as the 'usual' robins and dunnocks.
Also, we noticed with some amusement that the composting bag we had left in the garden had been neatly filled up with apples from the trees. Thank you squirrels!

I'm out of the habit of blipping, I realised with some shame yesterday that I had forgotten all about giving stars and faves! I hope I'm back in the saddle now. 

I had grumbled about new technology, so I must redress the balance at least a little, and say how much quicker I'm finding it all now. I'm still not 'using all the buttons', but the ones I have found are not as unfriendly as I feared. I'm getting there (my family will be pleased to hear). 

I had a lovely new cookery book for Christmas so, I shall be constructing something 'Eastern' this evening. Our local store (rhymes with 'fake pose' has never heard of brown rice syrup (in fairness neither had I) so I'm just deciding whether to substitute it with something creative (like broccoli!)?
Or vinegar? :-)
(I used to work with a lovely man, who one day had a yen to bake a cake but had no eggs 'so I just used orange juice' he said. 
Apparently the cake was good! Who'd have thought? I guess it was the right colour at least).

We'll see on the dinner front..

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