TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

The final hurrah for the pink Christmas tree…

In October everyone in our building (350 or so people) had a one-to-one meeting with their manager to discuss the move to Birmingham.  If you were within 65 minutes by a reasonable form of transport, then it was accept that you were going or resign.

Over 65 minutes it was go and we’ll cover the journey costs (tax free) for 5 years and if you have caring responsibilities, we’ll give you £100 a week for 5 years (again tax free) towards invoiced care. 

Only 35% of the staff agreed to go (I said yes – second category).

The other 65% of the staff got letters basically thanking them for their service and individual letters would follow on redundancy packages.

Then the union challenged the justification of places not being offered in the half empty Telford building.  Whilst some staff are now happy at this life-line those looking forward to a decent pay off are slightly miffed.

So, the government has occupied this rubbish building since it was built in 1971. By the end of 2020 we will be out (so they say) – no 50th anniversary celebration and the pink Christmas tree will probably go to landfill.

#2020_02 No celebrations to be had.

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