
Everyone was pleased to arrive at R&R’s today, partly because the train journey was so straight forward (big thanks to Geoff for driving our luggage and our invalid to the station in Sutton!), and partly because we always have a good rest here (and the kids love the space to play and the room they are given to sleep in). An extra of Allegra on the “swing” she was desperate to get out to in their garden.

Eve and Vasco arrived this evening too, lovely to see her and entertaining to watch Vasco following the kids around (a dog for those of you who don’t know!).

Then Ruth and I went for a late night drive to pick up Kat and Charlotte, poor things. They and Tim had been given a courtesy car this morning when their van broke down at her dad’s in Cornwall. So they were very late leaving, then at about 9:30 the courtesy car broke down about half an hour from home! So we went to get them so they didn’t have to wait by the side of the road with Tom, and so Kat could get Charlotte to bed. C was SO smiley for a baby that had been trapped in a car seat for hours!

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