Half a haircut .....

Still confused as to what day of the week it is. Eventually decided it must be Friday !
The scan man next door doing the old age X ewes to check how many are in lamb and how many lambs they have in them. Ideally you want 2 each as the ewe only has 2 teats. If they are carrying 3 then they need extra grub to maintain their body condition and if they have singles they need less so they don’t get too fat which causes problems at lambing.
Nipped down the road for more bales of hay I have bought from the neighbour as it isn’t good enough for horses. Suckler cows aren’t so fussy.
Littlemiss came with me as she wanted to see the horses and take some photos. This pony always reminds me of Donald Trump as it is orange ,with yellow hair blowing in the wind ! Looks like he is intent on starting WW3 and no doubt expect his “good friend “ Boris to join in . Clowns ,the pair of them .

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