
By Ursonate17

Causeway to Heaven...if you time it right

We knew we’d been gifted with two bright, dry days in the beach hut, so accepted the weather dip today in good spirits.
A great breakfast of bacon and cheesy bubble and squeak in Alnmouth warmed the cockles, then we headed back north again.

We both share a love for precarious causeways, so diverted to cross the wild and windy Fenham Flats to Holy Island then back via this blipstop, agreeing that while walking the pilgrim route would be uplifting, it wasn’t for today.
An uneventful A1 beat back to Portobello, heating on full and the last of the new recipe Minestrone wolfed down and we were ready to submit to mindless TV and sleep.
I have sometimes found New Year challenging, so thank you WonderA for making this one memorable, revitalising and full of giggles.

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