The Little Acorn

By thelittleacorn

Pack Behavior

Even though it's the 5th week of Pack Training, I've missed most of it thus far because of the holidays and such. But I'm ready to get back into it in full force. Last year, I got injured for doing too much, too soon, too quickly. This year, I'm not pushing too hard and listening to my (continually aging!) body.

As I was walking to the "Clubhouse", I caught a glimpse of his car drive by. Amazing it's taken this long for our paths to cross again, considering we used to attend the same run club events almost every week. I proceeded toward the outdoor patio to join the Pack, awaiting our sendoff to the Boardwalk for a 6 mile run.

His group was waiting outside, yet I still saw him searching through the crowd where my group was standing. Was he looking for me?! I tried not to make eye-contact, though I'm sure he saw me.

Why am I still avoiding him?! Our lives have been intersecting for years, arguably long before we met. It would only have been a matter of time. But would it have mattered in a different time or place? Ironically, I find myself in a "pack" again. Only this time, we aren't led and mislead down an unknown path; there are only true trails here.

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