Fire Update

I have been absent the past few days as I have honestly been totally focussed on what I need to do to prepare Wombat Hollow if we do in fact have to face the fire.  No doubt all of my blip buddies have been following the tragic situation in Australia and I’m sad to say it is as disastrous and horrendous as the press have been reporting.  Over the past few days we have had a bit of a reprieve in the mountains but believe me no one is taking their eye off the ball.

After the Fire Captain had been the other day and given me some very good advice and a plan of how I could add to what had already been done around the house in preparation for the fires, I decided that I owed it not only to myself but definitely to our Firies to implement their suggestions.  How could I possibly expect them to be there for me if I disregarded their advice.  So I have been working over the past few days to set things in train this week out here and every day there will be something meaningful happening.

Tomorrow we start when Mike will join me in the morning and we will work to reduce the fuel load around the house.  This will be quite strategic and I know exactly which bushes to remove.  We will also install the start of a sprinkler watering system.  This system will rely on several hoses being in place attached to the sprinklers across the front of the house.  So that will be our first project.

I think it would be fair to say that a majority of Australians are seriously traumatised by what has been happening all over the country in recent weeks.  It has to be our greatest ever challenge in peace time and the recovery both physically and emotionally will be a massive undertaking.

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