
By LifeLines


Apologies for this scene of destruction but it represents the allotment as I left it this afternoon, having spent several hours digging out the old compost area.  As you can see, I still have quite some way to go!  However, I think I should feel some degree of satisfaction by looking back at how it was in September.

As I left I paused to wonder if it is a sign of madness that I chose to spend so much of my free time here?!  I think my pleasure in it comes from the challenge to create something good out of this once overgrown plot and the thought of all the tasty fruit and vegetables we'll be able to eat once that is done.  Also of course the fresh air and exercise feel a real tonic.  

And so, that was the day, other than some dog walks, a lovely homemade leek and potato soup for lunch, and a brief sit in front of the log burning stove.  Unfortunately one of Andy's fillings came out today whilst he was eating some flap jack I made a few days ago - I feel rather responsible! 

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