Temple Tours

By wakakajennie


I like the dental health department at work.
The hour before bed, on the other hand I could give or take.

Tonight's list of shite that happened between 6.43pm & 7.44pm include:

supreme potty mouthed swearing: Alice, Chris
crying, dramatically and without tears: Rudy
crying, dramatically and with tears: Alice, Rudy
crying, silently in the heart: me (not sure about Chris, if he was, he was hiding it well by appearing to be completely absorbed in computer land - until I 'helped' him back into reality of the non-virtual kind)
rice crispies, full bowl, dramatically and effectively flung across living room: Alice
grovelling around on knees ineffectively cardboarding up aforementioned rice crispies: me
and tonight's grand finale: a full cup of tea spilt into lap as both child-people instantly jump on parent's knee in a case of the little researched phenomenon known as 'adult with hot food/liquid becomes a magnet for unstable, wobbly, will definitely bump into you children, and cause burn/tears/swearing': me

night night

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