One life to live

By otornblom

A hare ran over the field

It was a lovely sunny day. I enjoyed it outdoors with Sami and we also visited a dog park with Luna. I had to finish my two oil paintings today and I did it! Monthly art school meeting will be next Sunday and hopefully those paintings to acrylic sheet will be more or less dry then.

Today's photo was taken when sun was setting. Farmer Ollila has fields near our house and hares are running there a lot. Sami is so very interested of spoors and he would be more than willing to go search and chase hares.

In the evening I was in Pilates class first time in my life, my friend Pia asked me there. I'm afraid I'll have difficulties to get out of bed tomorrow... Anyhow, the class felt good and Pilates might become my new hobby.

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