A Slow Start to 2020
December's last few weeks dragged by... not because there weren't plenty of interesting things to do, and holiday music to sing, and special food to make, but because I had the flu -- the Influenza B strain for which a vaccine wasn't made in time.
I'm basically a healthy person, so I didn't need hospitalization, as many older people did, for which I'm grateful, but I missed out on holiday festivities and ordinary pleasures, like my Silver Sneakers classes at the Y. Phil took on most of the meal preparation and produced several stellar suppers, which was the best gift ever!
I'm going to make an extra effort to stay healthy this year, as I want to cast my vote on Tuesday, November 3, for an intelligent, thoughtful, well-qualified candidate for President. This country cannot take a repeat performance by the present incumbent.
Rant over... back to some trip planning for later this year.
Blip 2041
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