Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Even older than me!

After yesterday's photo of an exposure meter, which is probably around 30 years old, I thought I'd photograph something a bit older. This is a Baby Sibyl, the roll film version using 127 film. The camera is certainly pre- World War II, and looking at the information on the web etc it could be pre-World War I ! This was one of my father's cameras, and I recently got it out to use. There was still a film in it, Kodak 200, and so the film must be at least 20 years old. It remains to be seen if it can be processed successfully (C41, so that is no problem, but getting 127 processed may be more of a problem). I have a B&W film in it now, and hope to be able to process that myself in the next few days, though scanning is going to be the problem as my scanner is very poor. Winding on by hand and separate cocking of the shutter is a bit of a trial, and it is almost impossible to make out any details using the tiny waist level viewfinder. Estimating the distance for manual focussing is also challenging, and the distance scale is in yards!

I'd like to thank all of you who viewed, starred or even assigned hearts to my photo on my recent 8th Blip-birthday. If you wondered about it being a bit later than exactly 8 years after I started, much to my annoyance I accidentally forgot to take and post a photo 3 or 4 times during the first couple of years, though I've not missed any after then, even when I was in hospital with a heart attack!

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