
By Houseonahill6

We three kings.

The decorations are now all boxed up and ready to put in the cupboards.We did not realise that the plastic boxes we keep the decs in can open at one end and had a fright when we took them down when one of the boxes opened and a few bits fell out, luckily no damage, it could have been much worse so we are now going to tape them up so it does not happen again.
I took a photo of the Three Kings before packing the Nativity set away.Ae bought this one about 30 years ago from a Garden Centre in Berkhamsted.I love the bright colours and unusual style.
‘We Three Kings’ is one of my favourite carols to sing. There’s also a couple of silly versions that are fun too including this one :

We three kings of Orient are
One in a taxi, one in a car ,
One on a scooter beeping his hooter
Smoking a long cigar ( or eating a milky bar ).

We three kings of Leicester Square,
Selling Ladies underwear,
So fantastic, no elastic,
Only tuppence a pair .

And this one
We four Beatles of Liverpool,
Paul in a Taxi, George in a car,
John on a scooter beeping his hooter,
Following Ringo Star :)

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