A walk in the park

Still no sun! I was determined to get an outdoor blip today and drove over to the park to see if I could find anything interesting to photograph. It was bitter cold. I wasn't really dressed for being outside for any length of time...why?? I'll tell you why, because I'm an eternal optimist and I was positive it would not take me long to get my blip and I'd be back in the car with the heat pumping.
There is a path that goes around the lake where people walk, jog etc. Everyone that past me was dressed for Arctic! Faces covered with scarves, gloves, hats and numerous layers of clothes. Me, I was wearing jogging pants and a hoodie. No gloves, no hat and no scarf. It was okay for the first 10 mins. but I soon felt very underdressed.
I did get a number of photos including this one for my friend Roz. I kept walking once I was half way around the lake thinking whether I turn around or keep walking it was the same difference. I was frozen by the time I got back to the car. I was happy I got some color in my blip despite the lack of sun. Next time I'll dress warmer!

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