As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Egg Drop

My mom refused to let me go in late this morning because "school is important." So I went to school on time and learned a lot: in English we watched The Color Purple, and in Italian Ben taught us all about Israel while speaking in Italian. I spent 20 minutes of orchestra eating a bagel, and in physics I played chess. We were placed into our gym veebz teams today, and I'm excited for the upcoming season. In APUSH we discussed karate and pressure points and how being poor sucks, so avoid it at all costs. We took our SLO in health, and in math Avery and I went to help McG with the annual 6th grade Egg Drop for Horizons. We made some friends, dropped some eggs, and had a grand old time. This is Avery dropping an egg-holding contraption. After school I had rehearsal for the play, and then I tutored from 4:45-5:45 and 5:50-6:50. SAT class from 7:00-9:00, and I'm typing this as I tutor from 9:15-10:15. It's good money and all, but these kids (really just one of them) don't seem to understand that I have, you know, homework of my own. Oh, and getting some sleep would be nice, too.

This afternoon, Shawn told me that our rehearsal tomorrow is 4:00-9:30. If this ends up being true, I must might explode.

But at least it's almost the weekend.

Word of the Day: Hypnopompic - Of or pertaining to the semiconscious state prior to complete wakefulness

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