"Be a lamb...

...and pop up a cup hook for me." asked Mrs FP

Things just sort of escalated.

Of course not! Winkled out all the old Leckie, masses of it. There were cries of "WTF" and "Jesus, come and see this" as the bizarre wiring was gradually unravelled.  Winkled in most of the new Leckie, masses of it. Motion sensors fitted, holes cut, cables run, switches, dozens of sockets (with USB charging points!), down lighters, new consumer board etc.

Tea was drunk, sausage rolls munched, the chocolate biscuits mysteriously vanished.

When I took out the kitchen some untouched mouse poison was found under a unit. It wasn't needed, we found him in the attic, he had bitten into a cable and SHAZZAM! he was turned into a mousey crisp. (we held a short but respectful ceremony before chucking him in the bin (landfill - it is what he would have wanted).

Tomorrow is removing the last remnants of the kitchen, plasterboard all coming off, back to brick. New boards going up and I'm prepping the wiring for boxing out on Friday.

New flame effect fire purchased, it comes with a remote so you can turn the flames up or down! Sounds naff but it looks the bollocks.

Two double sets of mirrored doors should arrive tomorrow. Purchased door handles (twenty required!)

Lots still to do but it is getting a little exciting.

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