Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


TSM went to The Packhouse with her sister today and came back with this beautiful vase. Pot. Whatever. It made itself at home immediately and now looks like it’s always been with us.

My day started badly and ended well, health wise. I am optimistic about having a much better day tomorrow, which I’m sure will please my boss. I did manage two lengthy Skype meetings before conking out in the afternoon although it was a bit of an out of body experience. I was fascinated at one point to hear myself say "this is new territory in organisational development terms; we may not be able to agree a single version of the truth with our partners but at least we can have a shared consensus about the level of ambiguity". Yes, I speak fluent management. Or bollocks, as some people call it.

A curious thing but the blurred vision I have been suffering for several weeks disappeared today. The human body is a wondrous thing but also a source of great mystery.

America vs Iran seems to have ended in a one all draw.

Harry and Meghan have announced they are going to do their own thing. Why not?

Scientists have put 3D glasses on cuttlefish. Why?

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