
By Chriss

The dance of a thousand

veils get this freaking horrible stinging insect off me
Let me explain
I have a love/ hate relationship with bees
I appreciate their work in the plant & insect world
I quite like eating honey on toast
And I appreciate that they make interesting photographic subjects
But the hate bit comes in that they scare me
I like taking photos of them, but at the same time that I am poised to click the shutter button I am also poised to do the 'dance of a thousand get this freaking horrible stinging insect off me'
So I never quite get the photo that I imagine that I might get if the gods were smiling favourably on me one day & the planets happened to be aligned with Mars or Mercury just before we had the rarest of all rare blue moons
If you've come across my humble journal do check out the amazing offerings of blipsters such as vodkaman
I don't just admire them for their technical skill with a camera
I also hugely admire them for their courage in not flinching when faced with their subject through a macro lens

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