through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


I have to confess.

I've been running away from a lot of problems, either with a certain person or my own problems because of fear. Fear of the outcome, the effect of facing that one person, confrontations ... And the list goes on.

I shared that today with my friend, Sarah, and once again she gently rebukes me, "you're being like Jonah!" And this was my second time hearing that.

I couldn't agree more though.

I've been running away for so long, it's tiring me out. At first I thought it's fine, something will work out. or we'll be friends again as times goes on but reality? Nothing. God keeps calling me out on these things and hearing his voice only on these matters, would I start running away.

Of course, today's verse from my phone was
He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10 NIV)

CLEARLY, to be still is what God keeps showing me since those are the only two words I see every time I spend time with him.

courage. Is all I need
In this heart of mine.
For you are good
And faithful
And I will listen.
Be my strength when I am

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