
By hpx

Imperfect yet beautiful

The big news is the bogans next door have shifted out. Last night was calm and peaceful. No doubt tonight will be too :-) Joy and bliss! I've blipped a rhododendron bloom at the front of their driveway to celebrate. It continues the theme I started back here.

Sometimes we're so busy looking for perfection we miss what we have. I think it will do me good to return to this theme from time to time.

Thank you for you warmth, concern and best wishes of late. Mum and Dad depart tomorrow. What with spending time with them and feeling a bit under par I haven't thanked you for your generous comments individually, but I am grateful and appreciative.

I'm taking the weekend conservatively. I'll see what Monday holds and what more can to be done to get me through the next 2 weeks before surgery. Work is generously supporting me while I'm off work for 6 weeks from the day before surgery, so it would be good to last the next couple of weeks.

Today we cleaned up a few outside jobs for me, and Mum has a new jacket which will make her staunch before mother nature ;-)

I'm going carefully, gently and putting one foot in front of the other. Thank you.

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