Big Hill

By bighill


We are so happy to be home......even although this is what we are dealing with.  

We left Halifax yesterday morning, the drive home usually takes about 4-4.5 hours.....the weather was so mixed, from reasonably clear to almost white out conditions.    it ended up taking us over 6 hours to get to Baddeck.   We knew our road hadn't been plowed by about 5 we had made arrangements to stay at maryjane's cabin for the evening, and perhaps the night.    pizza and wine helped us deal with the wait .... finally around 10.30 pm we found out our road was being plowed so we headed out.   The drifts and just the sheer amount of snow on the driveway was astonishing, up to my thighs in places.   Luckily there was a full moon and so we fought our way down the driveway and into our lovely warm home, with kelly waiting for us.

This is today.....Kelly's partner Ron, arrived and the 2 of them started shoveling and Terry got the plow going ..... he's still out there trying to clear the mess we have here!   

Anyway, when all is said and done it wasn't exactly the 'gettaway' we were hoping for....far from it, didn't really get to do much exploring due to storms going on down there also.    maybe it has just served to remind me of how much i love being in my warm and cozy home?

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