To Crooks Peak And Back

Having dropped Sophie at school and stoked up on a cooked breakfast at Sainsbury's we headed up the A38 to Winscombe and took a walk up Wavering Down to Crooks Peak.

You can see for miles on a clear day like today and I took a fair number of photos but I still haven't quite mastered the new camera, particularly the panorama mode - had trouble lining the individual shots up accurately inthe bright sunlight! This one, taken from the trig point looking towards Axbridge Reservoir and the Mendip Hills beyond, was the one I was reasonably pleased with.

We walked about 6 miles (over 15,000 steps according to Tess's new Fitbit) in two hours over what is hilly terrain so we're quite pleased with ourselves. We're trying to build up our fitness in preparation for our next holiday, to Vietnam & Cambodia, in a couple of months time which involves some walking and cycling.

This afternoon we rested some aching bones and muscles!

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