
The clouds came over this evening, so I didn't manage to capture a shot of the full moon.  Instead, I'm posting one of the still photos I took today for the instructional video I mentioned a couple of days ago. We were nearly finished filming just before lunchtime, when the video camcorder decided that it couldn't write to the memory card any more. Changing the memory card did not help, so I had to make a quick trip home to get a DSLR to use instead. That let me complete the video recording, but now I had the DSLR, it became evident that some of our planned topics could be covered by still shots, which were much easier to capture than video.  It took the whole afternoon to assemble and edit all the scenes to get a rough draft version.  Next week, the audio will be recorded separately and added to the video.  I did enjoy the challenge of this.

The tube is meant to represent a tube of blood, but the contents are fake, made from a mixture of red food dye, baby shampoo and tomato sauce.

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