The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Just want to tell you about my amazing powers of empathy...

I went to the toilet at work today. One of the cubicles was taken and as the occupant could have been auditioning for A Quiet Place, I did my business quickly and left her in peace.

Because I absolutely knew that the poor woman in there had gone for a poo at a time she thought it would be deserted and was probably sitting in horror because someone else had come in. The complete silence meant that she was holding on for dear life (in not a small amount of discomfort) to avoid making a splash in case another human being found out her sordid secret - that she actually pooed!

See, I told you. I’m an empooth!


PS I hate to generalise based on gender but this was in stark contrast to the time one of the blokes emerged from the disabled toilet announcing “that’s a lot better”

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