A Good Sign

Forgot to mention that I brought AW's car to the garage yesterday in Hoeven for the annual APK = MOT.  Except for the worn-out, faded license plates, there was practically nothing else that had to be done, which isn't a surprise as he uses it sparingly.  I picked it up this afternoon while he was asleep.  This was shot close to the garage.  A real clear one, and a complete arch, too, but couldn't get it all from the patch of road I was on.  At the garage, I was informed that, right on time for the check-up on my own car in a couple of weeks, I have been awarded a 200-euro coupon for having reached the half-million kilometer mark!  That is good news as I'll use it for the above-mentioned APK!  I hope there will be some small amount left for a couple of new mats.

AW massively feverish today, but the meds are kicking in as he's had less pain in the toilet.  His body is fighting for all its worth.  This evening, though, just after he'd fallen asleep, his phone rang and it was Son, asking if we were in this evening, and if they could visit.  Of course, we were.  AW will never refuse a visit from Son, so after a few minutes, he got up and dressed, and I tidied up a bit downstairs.  Enormous difference from when Son was young, as we used to clean up after he left, whereas now we clean up before he arrives ... hahahaha!

Anyway, a separate paragraph again because ... they announced that he and Rani are getting married!  Hurrah!  It'll be in the summer, and only before the judge, but that is magnificent enough for us.  Actually, first, they showed us a video of Grandson targetting a balloon with a toy popgun, and then Granddaughter running to the spot with a piece of paper, from which she read the announcement.  We are thrilled to pieces!  The excitement was all too much for AW, though, as his stomach acted up soon after and he had to take his meds all over again.  Son and Rani didn't leave right away, thankfully.  They hung around longer and we talked about various things, just like in the old days.  AW and Son have always had a fantastically good relationship, and I'm glad that's back.

After all the excitement and they'd left, AW went back to bed and managed to keep everything in the whole night.  In the meantime, I stayed up up to 04.00 with my correction work.  Convenient for AW as he had the whole bed to himself most of the time.

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