And Then There Were None!

Sam set off back tonight on the late train to Paddington and after after seven hours arrived safely back on campus.
She reminds me, the next few days will see regular phone calls that will taper away once she becomes absorbed in whatever it is she is up to.

But Clare and I have a great relationship with the children that we cherish, we are both aware that the day will come when the dynamics of the relationship change as they meet their own partners but until then we love the fact that they consider this home, not their Uni or Barracks room.

This is where the ‘Laundry Fairy’ and ‘Ironing Elf’ live, it’s the storage space for what they currently have no room/use for, it’s the address of ‘Bank of Mum & Dad'  but above all its the place they return to for holidays, advice and love.

Long may it continue

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