Then the snow showers came

3.4C (not convinced about this temperature today as the recorded Met Office data for Leuchars is 1.4C) with a strong gusty wind (20mph gusting 30+) from the South East. Horizontal snow, hail, and sleet showers. Roads clear.
Frequent snow showers all morning lying for a short while on the roads before disappearing.

After lunch, in one of the bright spells between showers, I decided to walk Maeve the Deerhound down to the shore. We went straight down the road and along to the road bridge over the railway to the car park at Westhaven. All the way down the road I could see that the next shower was rolling in over the sea towards us.

The was no sign of anyone else anywhere along the beach from Westhaven towards Easthaven, and no one at the Fishermen's huts. I hastily got a few shots looking out to sea, and at more of an angle towards Easthaven where the lighter sky could still be seen. It is far from a pretty blip but it adds another cloudy view to finish this week's unintentional series. Snow flakes and hail started to arrive.

Just as we walked back over the railway bridge the shower came on heavily, and Maeve was soon adorned with a good scattering of hail stones all along her back. We went back home the way we had come. Quicker than going right round our usual route. Fortunately the shower wasn't a long one and Maeve shook off the hailstones long before we approached home. Since I hadn't put her coat on I was glad she didn't get wet, apart from her feet which I dried with one of her towels.

Radio reports and the timeline on Twitter have it that it is much worse in England and Wales. Also saying that the 'East' will have a bad spell later. I suspect that will be inland and a bit further North than here. Some schools and at least one bus service is cancelled "due to volume of snow". I hope the weather gets better as the weekend goes on.

I can't help thinking that a lot of the people who wished for snow will be wishing they hadn't !

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