Mendoza -Plaza España

Buenos Aires to Mendoza by coach: door to door about 16 hours. In terms of travel it was fine, certainly no worse than economy British Airways to get here, meals and snacks were better if anything and the coffee certainly was! The seats reclined and were comfortable ( pillow and blanket included). The downside was the faff- two hours just to get out of Buenos Aires via lots of dingy looking suburb bus stations and all the coming and goings that entails each time a new crop got on. We also stopped at various cities in the night for people to get off which thank fully I missed but R was aware of. He gets travel sick on buses but some Sturgeron, wrist bands and me telling him it’s mind over matter did the trick! I awoke at 5 to sunrise and endless views. Now we’re in Mendoza and can see the Andes.It is a much quieter and greener city than BA and food seems even better value. We’ve booked a visit to some vineyards tomorrow- of course!

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