Don't even ask!

Saturday 11th January 2020

A leisurely morning but we did make it out of the house before midday. We went to Holmfirth to solve a mystery ... a murder mystery in fact. A leading local wine maker, Vinnie Yard, had been trodden like a grape and his best selling wine recipe stolen. DCI Lauren Order needed our help to find the culprit and their weapon. If we didn't solve the case it could have been the last of the summer wine! 

We were undertaking a treasure hunt and the above was their brief. We had a very interesting time exploring the hidden streets and solving the clues when we found them. It was an interesting time and a lovely walk. We did solve it but, of course, I can't tell you the answer in case other blip detectives want to give it a try.

We introduced Physivic to "Sid's Cafe" and he enjoyed meeting "Nora Batty"! See extras. We managed to fit in a visit to a rather nice cafe for hot chocolate and cake and also did some shopping. The day finished with a lovely meal back at Huddsbird's.

The pink flamingo? Oh, you had to ask!  Huddsbird saw it in a charity shop and thought it needed rescuing. Life is never dull with Huddsbird around. :-))

While I have been away my new computer has also been away for a planned upgrade to make it even more supercharged. I collected it on my way home.  

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