
By Grapefruits

Pink Eye

Says it all, the Big Pink Eye on the way into warrington coming from Widnes on the Crossfields roundabout at the end of Sankey Way which is now commonly called the pink eye roundabout.

This building used to be a grain store, part of Fairclough's Flour Mill at Bank Quay off Liverpool Road at Warrington. The giant eye was created by Warrington artist, Anthony Turk. At the time he had hoped to create a giant marine life mural but was prevented by "red-tape" (being a drivers distration and apparently they wanted to rip the building down) so he painted the pink eye and tear instead

Meanwhile he still has a dream of one day removing the giant tear from the Pink Eye building near the Crosfield roundabout and replacing it with a marine life mural following his distant cousins Robert Wylands examples.

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