Blue Skies over Edinburgh

The road home from David and Luca’s new residence is downhill most of the way and this afternoon it was bathed in sunshine after a rather rocky start weather wise first thing this morning. What a difference it is to walk without a wet sock and a hood up against the driving rain while avoiding puddles.

I bore down on them bearing edible gifts in some trepidation as to their current state of play. Daughter#2 with her large set of wheels helped move their assets in three loads yesterday in the rain and there the loads sit in every room but the bathroom. They have a little over 24 hours to shift it to its rightful place before the painter arrives to get to work on the lounge and hall.

In other matters, Porty daughter joined me for coffee and a scone this morning before fixing a toe clip to one of the pedals on my new Brompton bike. This is to stop my foot slipping off the said pedal when I start cycling by pushing down on the pedal. This happened a few years ago on a friend’s Brompton and my coccyx took years to recover.
I have discovered that my offspring in the bloom of youth are now so much better than I, in my dotage, at fixing things, that it’ s a joy to let them get on with it.

I haven’t even mentioned the size of the scone with plum incorporated. I leave it to your imagination.

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