The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Snoozy sundays

Today was a snoozy sunday, I've been making the most of having both mama and papa around to cuddle me and spoil me by snoozing on them as much as possible.

Papa let mummy have a long lie and then we headed to church, i fell asleep in the time it took dad to get me in my cosy toes suit!

But mummy thinks its because she has figured out how much I like to hold things when I sleep. I pull at my fingers when I'm tired and so recently she has been giving me a muzzy cloth or a toy or something to hold while I'm dozing off and it seems to work a treat. Here I am with a lovely home made taggy made by mummy's good friend sally, I like this one a lot because it has my E and it crinkled when I rub it... but it drives mum slightly mad so it's on a shoogly peg as to whether I get to keep it or not...

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