Photoshop 1930's edition

I had intended to go out today, but never quite got round to it. Grey, moderate snow cover, somehow uninviting.
I decide to blip a photo of this photo which sits in a nice frame in my living room. I've always believed it to be my maternal great grandparents, about which I've known very little, not being big on family (childless only child of an only child). So I decided to do a bit of research using what little I knew, so meet:-
William (labourer) and Ophelia (housewife). They were both born in Cornwall and must have moved to Lancashire because both their children, Emily (my grandma) and Thomas (both workers in the cotton industry) were born quite close to where I was born. My search also turned up the fact that they were first cousins :-/ which could explained the webbed toes ;-).
I've always liked the photo. Apart from the name of the photographer, the only information on it is some pencilled notes on the back with instructions for tinting it:
Gent: grey, grey, rosy, grey
Lady: grey, grey, fresh, yellow.

The watch chain, glasses and ring have also been tinted gold

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