St. James's Park: Ross'swing
Twirlier in large.
Extras: Ross'sizzling (previous moment), Ridiculous preening pose, Flapping, Painterly portrait, Face-on (in the wind)
I went to see the Ross'sling, and had intended to get a straight-on face-on shot (after realising that I'd not blipped that particularly adorable angle), but was more pleased with other pics today. Choosing has been a struggle... Imogen tried to help, but mostly added non-Ross'sling pics to the shortlist!
Also saw the pelicans being fed (inc. one tripping and crashing into a tree in the frenzy: *trip* -> "Oooof"), and various new faces by the lake, so whittling down shots was a problem, and I eventually gave up and uploaded WAY too many to Flickr. *sigh*
Ross'sling overload here (or right from Ross'sling preening)
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